These layouts serve to present information on products and lines of business. This document type comprises the broad category of inlays and newsletters. A distinction is made between high-end and self-made publications.


must satisfy the following criteria:

  • image focus
  • high print numbers
  • sophisticated production
  • complex content such as diagrams, tables or charts

These high-end publications are designed and produced by external agencies.


meet the following criteria:

  • available at short notice
  • low print numbers
  • for in-house use only

These publications may be created by employees themselves. They are based on Word templates provided for this purpose.

General principles

Please note that the rules concerning newsletters below only apply to those newsletters that are (also) printable. Online newsletter follow different guidelines at in some aspects.

  • The grid matrix is based on the design for inside pages (wide punch-hole margin at left)
  • The white frame of the header is 5 mm in high-end publications and 3 mm in self-made publications to make allowance for the printing margin
  • Continuous text must be aligned to the basic line grid (start: 10.152 mm, spacing: 12.5 pt) and is set in two-column justified style
  • The following elements are obligatory on the title page: speech bubble, logo, claim, heading and continuous text
  • As of four pages, the pages must be numbered and the "Hannover Re" identifier used (at least two pages must be numbered within each document).
  • The URL is always shown at the bottom right on the last page of content (in one-page documents the URL is at the bottom left on the title page)
  • Inlays and newsletters are dated. On the newsletters the date is positioned at the top left within the speech bubble (above "Newsletter") on the title page. There are to options where to put the date on the inlays: below left on the title page (directly above the URL, if applicable) or at the end of the continuous text.
  • Pictures may be incorporated into the continuous text or extend over both text columns minus the caption column. In self-made productions, pictures may be used only across both text columns at the start of the continuous text.
  • Every picture (whether in the continuous text, over two columns or in the speech bubble) is accompanied by a caption (PDF)
  • Photos of contact persons are arranged from top left to bottom right, depending on the hierarchy level. Photos at the same position are arranged in alphabetical order. Guidelines on contact photos are given here: Portraits. Remember that the "Your contacts" heading may be used only once within any document. This heading is placed above the first contact person and is not repeated if the contacts section continues over the page.
  • Charts and tables created in Illustrator and InDesign must be used in high-end productions, the charts and tables in self-made publications are created in the MS Office programs (charts and tables)

Guidelines for text lengths:

  • 1-line heading: about 38 characters (headings should be set in not more than two lines)
  • Picture captions: not more than 130 characters (captions should set in two lines)
  • Continuous text, title page (speech bubble height 1/6 of the page layout matrix): about 4,020 characters
  • Continuous text, title page (speech bubble height 2/6 of the page layout matrix): about 2,720 characters
  • Continuous text, title page (speech bubble height 3/6 of the page layout matrix): about 1,820 characters
  • Continuous text, back/inside pages (header height 1/6 of the page layout matrix): about 4,520 characters

The above values are for rough guidance only and refer to layouts without pictures, highlighted text or charts.

High-end newsletters

Newsletters normally consist of four pages. The standard format is DIN A4 (DIN A3 folded). The border width is 5 mm. High-end newsletters use the speech bubble to house a picture (height 2/6 of the vertical grid). The inside pages always have a header without pointer (height 1/6 of the page layout matrix), which may be shaded in HR blue, HR cyan and HR warm grey (full colour and 30% gradations). The "Newsletter" identifier stands out on the title page.

Self-made external newsletters

Newsletters normally consist of four pages. The standard format is DIN A4 (printed on both sides and stapled). The border width is 3 mm. Self-made newsletters for external distribution usually use the speech bubble to house a picture (height 2/6 of the vertical grid). The inside pages always have a header without pointer, which may be shaded in HR blue, HR cyan and HR warm grey (full colour and 30% gradations). The "Newsletter" identifier stands out on the title page.

Self-made internal newsletters

Newsletters normally consist of four pages. The standard format is DIN A4 (printed on both sides and stapled). The border width is 3 mm. Self-made newsletters for internal distribution use the speech bubble as a coloured area (height 1/6 of the vertical grid, colour HR cyan). The inside pages always have a header without pointer (height 1/6 of the page layout matrix, colour HR cyan). The "Newsletter" identifier stands out on the title page. Self-made internal newsletters use the Arial font.