Electronic templates

Electronic templates for letters, faxes, memos, guidelines, name tags and other standard documents for MS Word are available in the application. They comply with the layout specifications for business stationery. The names of the templates are self-explanatory and provide an indication of their use.

As Hannover Re staff, please always use the latest templates! The data on letters and faxes are prescribed by law and must always be correct. Please choose the template with the correct logo for the purpose of the document.

Version using font Compatil

Besides black, blue and grey are also used in the master electronic templates which use the Compatil font type – e.g. in the footers of letters (not for the typed content!). The colour values are as follows:

  • grey "50 k" (50% black, CMYK: 50 K), in the RGB colour model: R135/G135/B135
  • blue "Pantone 294C" in the RGB colour model: R37/G64/B132

Version using font Arial

Where the use of the font type Compatil would lead to high costs (e.g. programming costs for external service providers, acquisition of font Compatil etc.) the footer text may be written as follows:

  • Position and line length the same as in the colour version or printed letter paper.
  • Font type Arial, colour see above or black only, font size 6.5 pt, line spacing 8.5 pt.
  • In the black-and-white version, the line descriptor (like Supervisory Board, Executive Board, Registered office etc.) are separated by a colon from the rest of the line.

Documents and reports

Self made publications


Team sheets, factsheets, newsletter

Information sheets about products, business lines, teams or newsletters can be prepared by trained members of Hannover Re staff in MS Word. The font Compatil is required, please contact Corporate Communications.