All publications of the Hannover Re Group have an imprint – depending on the type and size of the publication.

The contact information is divided into obligatory information and optional details.


The obligatory information comprises (taking the example of Hannover Rück SE/Group):

Published by

Hannover Rück SE

Karl-Wiechert-Allee 50

30625 Hannover, Germany

Published in [month][year] – alternatively:

Information as of [month][year]

Optional details taking the example of Hannover Rück SE/Group:

(To be inserted after the address block and before the version date line.)

Tel. +49 511 5604-0

Fax +49 511 5604-1188


The imprint for subsidiaries contains the identifier "Member of the Hannover Re Group" in the last line beneath the address block and above the version date.

One-page or multi-page publications without title/cover pages (newsletter, flyer, team pages)

In most cases, there is not enough space for a full imprint/contact information. In these cases, the website URL takes the place of this information and is placed at the bottom left directly beneath the version date (one-page document). On documents with two or more pages, the version date is on the first page at the bottom left and the website URL moves to the back/last page of the document.

Brochures/annual and quarterly reports/bound publications

The imprint stands on the left of the inside back cover (IBC). The website URL is on the bottom right of the back page (OBC). If the inside pages are filled with content, a contact block reduced to the obligatory information is placed at the bottom left of the outside back cover (OBC). In this case the URL stands on the bottom right.

If the imprint contains or exceeds the maximum normal length, it may also be placed on the back page at the top left of the coloured area.

Special issues with third-party content

Special issues and other publications for which Hannover Re/E+S Rück have been granted utilisation rights by third parties are given the following disclaimer:

All rights reserved.

This publication may be reprinted or translated [optionally: only for training or other non-commercial purposes and] only provided that the source is quoted. Hannover Rück SE (E+S Rückversicherung AG) has been granted the right to use this text. This publication is printed with the kind consent of the authors, whose own opinion is expressed here and need not necessarily coincide with the opinion of Hannover Rück SE (E+S Rückversicherung AG).

This passage must be printed in Compatil Fact Regular 7/10 pt, black, or white on a coloured background and stands beneath the imprint – but never on the back page/OBC.

Example of a special issue for E+S Rück

E+S Rückversicherung AG

Karl-Wiechert-Allee 50

30625 Hannover

Member of the Hannover Re Group

Published in [month] [year].

All rights reserved.

This publication may be reprinted or translated [optionally: only for training or other non-commercial purposes and] only provided that the source is quoted. Hannover Rück SE (E+S Rückversicherung AG) has been granted the right to use this text. This publication is printed with the kind consent of the authors, whose own opinion is expressed here and need not necessarily coincide with the opinion of Hannover Rück SE (E+S Rückversicherung AG).

Formatting of the address block (in InDesign – i.e. for agencies)

Published by: Compatil Fact Regular 8.75/12.5pt, black, or white on a coloured background

Hannover Rück SE: Compatil Fact Bold 8.75/12.5pt, black, or white on a coloured background

Karl-Wiechert-Allee 50: Compatil Fact Regular 8.75/12.5pt, black or white on a coloured background

30625 Hannover: Compatil Fact Regular 8.75/12.5pt, black or white on a coloured background

Phone +49 511 5604-0

Fax +49 511 5604-1188

Current version: [month][year]

To visually distinguish them from information blocks, individual lines are set in 8.75/15pt.

URL: Compatil Fact Bold 8,75/12,5pt

Formatting of the address block (in the Word templates – i.e. for self-made)

Published by: Compatil Fact Regular 9pt/Arial Regular 9pt, black, or white on a coloured background

Hannover Rück SE: Compatil Fact Bold 9pt/Arial Bold 9pt, black, or white on a coloured background

Karl-Wiechert-Allee 50 : Compatil Fact Regular 9pt/Arial Regular 9pt, black, or white on a coloured background

30625 Hannover : Compatil Fact Regular 9pt/Arial Regular 9pt, black, or white on a coloured background

Phone +49 511 5604-0

Fax +49 511 5604-1188

Current version: [month][year]

URL: Compatil Fact Bold 8.75/12.5pt

To visually distinguish them from information blocks, individual lines are set with line spacing 1.5.

Contact information

The following options are available for the contact information:

Contact information

Inserts/team pages: contact details with portrait photo

The Word templates contain all the formatting specifications for creating inserts and team pages in-house. A corresponding InDesign template is available for use by agencies.

Inserts/brochures: contact details without portrait photo

The Word templates contain all the formatting specifications for creating inserts and brochures in-house. A corresponding InDesign template is available for use by agencies.

Your contact

John Doe, Tel. +49 511 5604-0 or

Jane Doe, Tel. +49 511 5604-0 or

Only if the name of a contact is given, this is done as follows:

Your contact: John Doe (Format Compatil Fact Regular 7/10 pt, black, or white on a coloured background)


Only if the author's name is given, this is done as follows:

Author: John Doe (Format Compatil Fact Regular 7/10 pt, warm grey, or white on a coloured background)
