Moving-image formats are based on pre-defined templates. These are available for the content area, the title, subtitles and the closing credits. A title and closing credits may be dispensed with if the sequences are intended to run for example as a continuous loop (e.g. at exhibitions).

Content area

A content area within which content may be placed has been defined for all interposed screens containing text. The distances from the edges are specified as follows:

from left

at least one grid width unit (1/15)

from right at least four grid width units
from top at least two grid width units
from bottom at least two grid width units


Three different templates are available to allow for various tonalities. The universal requirements are:

  • The logo stands at the bottom right; size and spacing are specified in the format series.
  • The claim stands at the top right. It should be shown whenever possible, but never without the logo.
  • Moving image media for Hannover Re that will be used only in the anniversary year feature the "50 years" claim. If they are to continue in use beyond the year, the standard claim may be used to avoid subsequent adaptation.

Template 1: speech bubble line on a plain-colour background

  • A colour plane in HR blue, HR cyan, HR warm grey or white, showing the title above a speech bubble line in the content area. The speech bubble line always extends to the next grid line after the end of the text.
  • The distance from the left is one grid width unit; overall the title should be vertically centred.
  • Text hierarchy "H2," colour white or HR blue (on light background), font size see format series
  • The speech bubble line may be subtly animated. Hectic movements and rotating around its own axis are not allowed.

Template 2: speech bubble on a plain-colour background

  • The title is shown in a speech bubble. The colour depends on the background colour: white (on HR blue or HR cyan), HR blue (on HR warm grey) and HR blue, HR cyan or HR warm grey (on white)
  • The proportions are as explained in the chapter Corporate Design elements; the distances of the text from the borders are specified in the format series.
  • The position of the speech bubble may be freely chosen within the content area.
  • Text hierarchy H1 (short headline) or H2 (longer headline), colour HR blue or black (on speech bubble in white or HR warm grey), white (on speech bubble in HR blue or HR cyan), font size see format series
  • The point of the speech bubble may be animated to "grow" out of the space.

Template 3: Speech bubble on picture

  • Instead of on a plain-colour background, the speech bubble stands on a photo or a still from the film; the colour may be HR blue, HR cyan, HR warm grey or white, but must contrast well with the background motif.
  • The colour of the logo and claim must be chosen so that both contrast well with the background. They may be different colours.
  • Text hierarchy H1 (short headline) or H2 (longer headline), colour HR blue, black or white, font size see format series
  • The logo should, if possible, always appear in colour. If the background is too dark, the negative logo (white) is used. The colour of the claim depends on the background, whichever gives the best contrast.

Speech bubble on a film sequence or animation

Apart from on static backgrounds (colour plane or photo), the title and logo/claim may also be placed directly on an image sequence. In this case particular attention must be paid to ensuring that these elements contrast well with the background. The size and position of the logo and claim must nevertheless conform to the format series.


Titles with sub-brands

If a film is produced for or concerns a sub-brand (e.g. hr | ReFlex, hr | Ascent), the sub-brand-logo may be integrated into the title in three ways:

  • as text within the title headline
  • in a speech bubble above the headline
  • in a speech bubble beneath the headline with sub-line
  • text hierarchy H1 (short headline) or H2 (longer headline), colour HR blue, black or white, font size see format series
  • on colour planes in HR warm grey, the logo should preferably appear in colour (or white), the claim in HR blue or white (but not in HR cyan). On colour planes in HR cyan or HR blue, the negative version (white) of the logo and claim is used.


  • The logo and claim may be placed in the same position as the title or may be omitted.
  • Text hierarchy H1, colour HR blue, black or white, font size see format series
  • Text hierarchy for enumerations: H2

Closing credits

Classical film credits usually contain details such as: names of the performers, production companies, other contributors and collaborators, and a few legal notices (copyrights). The credits may also contain contact information and always end with a closing screen.

Image/in-house films often close only with the URL (H3), logo and claim. If more Information is needed (e.g. contact details), this is set in continuous text 2 (see format series).

Contact screen

  • Contact addresses are formatted as specified in the Corporate Design Manual.
  • Text hierarchy continuous text 2, highlightings are set in Compatil Fact bold, font size see format series

Examples for single contact and several contacts

Closing screen

To give all moving images created within the Hannover Re Group an identical framework, they should feature a uniform closing screen. The closing screen may show an Internet address, an action prompt (e.g. "Apply now!") or the logo.

Template 1

  • A single element (logo, Internet address, action prompt) is centred and may be of any desired size within the content area to enhance the effect.
  • Text hierarchy H0, colour HR blue, black or white, font size see format series

Template 2:

  • The layout is the same as for the title/subtitles.
  • Text hierarchy H3, colour HR blue, black or white, font size see format series

If the logo appears as a single element within the content area, its width extends over five layout grid units (5/15).

Films running in an infinite loop may dispense with a closing screen.